Advent of Code 2021: Day 23
This was a fun one! It seemed strange initially, particularly arcane, but turned out not to be too bad.
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]
[hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf]))
The problem is like a cross between Pac-Man and the Towers of Hanoi. We have amphipods – think shrimp – of types A through D. They’re assigned to alphabetical burrows according to their type; but they’re mixed up and need to find their ways home.
E.g., they might begin like this:
But they should always end up like this:
I played with a few ways of representing this state:
#_(def state {:alley [nil nil :x nil :x nil :x nil :x nil nil]
:holes [nil nil '(:B :A)]})
#_(def test-state {:spent 0
:board [{:slot nil}
{:slot nil}
{:slot nil :hole [:A :B] :home-to :A}
{:slot nil}
{:slot nil :hole [:D :C] :home-to :B}
{:slot nil}
{:slot nil :hole [:C :B] :home-to :C}
{:slot nil}
{:slot nil :hole [:A :D] :home-to :D}
{:slot nil}
{:slot nil}]})
#_(def test-board [[:. :. :. :. :. :. :. :. :. :. :.]
[:x :x :B :x :C :x :b :x :d :x :x]
[:x :x :A :x :D :x :c :x :a :x :x]
[:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x]])
This last, a good-ol’ grid, could probably have worked, but it seemed like I’d be better off with a more tailored representation.
I landed on basically an array of columns for the board:
(def test-state {:spent 0
:board [[nil]
[nil :B :A]
[nil :C :D]
[nil :B :C]
[nil :D :A]
(def state {:spent 0
:board [[nil]
[nil :B :C]
[nil :C :D]
[nil :A :D]
[nil :B :A]
Some constants – a mapping of column index to the amphipod it houses, each amphipod’s per-space movement energy cost, and the set of amphipod types:
(def home [nil nil :A nil :B nil :C nil :D nil nil])
(def amphipod-cost {:A 1 :B 10 :C 100 :D 1000})
(def amphipods (set (keys amphipod-cost)))
This function takes a board, an amphipod type and an index,
and returns all destinations to which an amphipod of type a
could move from the given index:
(defn candidate-dests [board a i-from]
(let [walkway (mapv first board)
must-go-home (nil? (home i-from))]
(for [i-to (range (count walkway))
:let [slot-to (board i-to)
walkway-path (apply subvec walkway (if (< i-from i-to)
[(inc i-from) (inc i-to)]
[i-to i-from]))
is-accessible (every? nil? walkway-path)
is-non-hole (nil? (home i-to))
is-home (= a (home i-to))
is-like-kinded (every? #{a} (keep amphipods slot-to))
depth (last (keep-indexed (fn [i a] (when-not a i))
dest (when is-accessible
(and is-non-hole (not must-go-home)) [i-to 0]
(and is-home is-like-kinded) [i-to depth]
:else nil))]
:when (and dest (not= i-from i-to))]
A helper for calculating the cost of an amphipod’s move:
(defn move-cost [cost from to]
(let [[i-from depth-from] from
[i-to depth-to] to
exit-cost (* cost depth-from)
entrance-cost (* cost depth-to)
traversal-cost (* cost (abs (- i-from i-to)))]
(+ exit-cost entrance-cost traversal-cost)))
Now the important part: a function which, given a board,
returns a sequence of [next-board cost]
, where next-board
is the board after a single legal move and cost is the cost
of getting there, for all legal moves. Memoizing this function
turns out to give a solid boost.
(def moves
(fn moves
(let [is-to-move (for [i (range (count board))
:let [home (home i)
slot (board i)
slot-pods (keep identity slot)]
:when (if home
(some (complement #{home}) slot-pods)
(seq slot-pods))]
(mapcat #(moves board %) is-to-move)))
([board from-i]
(let [slot (board from-i)
[from-depth a] (->> slot
(keep-indexed (fn [i a] (when a [i a])))
(when a
(let [dests (candidate-dests board a from-i)
cost (amphipod-cost a)]
(map (fn [dest]
(let [board (-> board
(assoc-in [from-i from-depth] nil)
(assoc-in dest a))]
[board (move-cost cost [from-i from-depth] dest)]))
Translate the above into the world of out {:board board :spent spent}
(defn next-states [state]
(let [{:keys [board spent]} state
moves (moves board)]
(map (fn [[board cost]] {:board board
:spent (+ cost spent)})
Determine whether a state is terminal, and if so, its total cost:
(defn final-cost [state]
(when (every? identity (map (fn [home-to slot]
(or (not home-to)
(every? #{home-to} (rest slot))))
(:board state)))
(:spent state)))
Now the outer loop: starting with [init-state]
, we take the set
of accessible states and determine from it the set of next-states,
repeatedly, until we’ve attempted all sequences of moves. We calculate
the min cost.
The key here is to distinct
-ify our set of states; otherwise, we end
up with a massive list of duplicate states, each arrived at by a different
ordering of moves.
(defn min-cost [state]
(loop [min-cost Long/MAX_VALUE
states [state]]
(println "States:" (count states) "; Min cost:" min-cost)
(let [next-states (distinct (mapcat next-states states))
costs (keep final-cost next-states)
min-cost (reduce min (conj costs min-cost))
candidates (->> next-states
(filter #(< (:spent %) min-cost)))]
(if (empty? candidates)
(recur min-cost candidates)))))
(def test-state-2 {:spent 0
:board [[nil]
[nil :B :D :D :A]
[nil :C :C :B :D]
[nil :B :B :A :C]
[nil :D :A :C :A]
(def state-2 {:spent 0
:board [[nil]
[nil :B :D :D :C]
[nil :C :C :B :D]
[nil :A :B :A :D]
[nil :B :A :C :A]
(min-cost test-state) := 12521
(time (min-cost state)) := 14350 ; => 5522.568208 ms
(min-cost test-state-2) := 44169
(time (min-cost state-2)) := 49742 ; => 6484.733917 ms
There are probably some tricks to speed this up – e.g., skip trying to move an amphipod way out into the hallway when it could instead go directly to its home – but we’re already well past December.