Today’s puzzle was fun, but all I came up with was a hacky and messy solution. Gotta copy-paste to success and move on for now, though!

  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]
            [hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf]))


Day 17 finds us shooting a projectile in a 2D plane that is affected by wind resistance and gravity – that is, our projectile accelerates downward constantly, and it loses horizontal velocity until it’s not moving forward at all.

We’re asked to find horizontal and vertical velocities at which to shoot the projectile such that it lands in a “target zone”; it must land there on a whole-number tick of the clock.

The input is a description of the target area.

(def t-in "target area: x=20..30, y=-10..-5")
(def input "target area: x=85..145, y=-163..-108")

(defn parse-target [input]
  (let [[x1 x2 y1 y2] (->> (str/split input #"[=\.*,]")
                           (take-nth 2)
                           (map parse-long))
        [x1 x2] (sort [x1 x2])
        [y1 y2] (sort [y1 y2])]
    [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]))

(def t-target (parse-target t-in))
(def target (parse-target input))

My solution is brute-force. We treat the x and y axes separately. First identify all x-velocities that land us at the correct horizontal range by trying a couple thousand velocities – we’re assuming the given target area is not too far from the origin.

We’ll do the same for the y-axis, and then we’ll identify pairs of x- and y-velocities that get us in the correct horizontal and vertical zones at the same tick of the clock.

(defn simulate-vx [vx]
  (iterate (fn [vx]
             (if (zero? vx)
               (- vx (/ vx (Math/abs vx)))))

(defn simulate-x-pos [vx]
  (->> (simulate-vx vx)
       (reductions + 0)))

(defn simulate-x
  "Simulates projectile launch in the x-axis at
  velocity vx. Returns any times at which the target
  zone is hit."
  [vx [[x1 _] [x2 _]]]
  (let [within-target? (fn [[t x vx]]
                         (<= x1 x x2))
        approaching-target? (fn [[t x vx]]
                              (or (within-target? [t x vx])
                                  (and (pos? vx) (< x x1))
                                  (and (neg? vx) (> x x1))))]
    (->> (map vector
              (simulate-x-pos vx)
              (simulate-vx vx))
         (take-while approaching-target?)
         (drop-while (complement within-target?))
         (take-while within-target?)
         (map first)
         ;; Since velocity can zero-out, we could end up
         ;; sitting in the target zone for eternity; but
         ;; sadly we assume later that our seqs are not
         ;; infinite.
         (take 1000))))

Now we lift and shift for the y axis 😬

(defn simulate-vy [vy]
  (iterate dec vy))

(defn simulate-y-pos [vy]
  (reductions + 0 (simulate-vy vy)))

(defn simulate-y
  "Simulates projectile launch in the y-axis at
  velocity vy. Returns any times at which the target
  zone is hit."
  [vy [[_ y1] [_ y2]]]
  (let [within-target? (fn [[t y vy]]
                         (<= y1 y y2))
        approaching-target? (fn [[t y vy]]
                              (or (within-target? [t y vy])
                                  (pos? vy)
                                  (>= y y2)))]
    (->> (map vector
              (simulate-y-pos vy)
              (simulate-vy vy))
         (take-while approaching-target?)
         (drop-while (complement within-target?))
         (take-while within-target?)
         (map first))))

Here’s where we attempt all velocities between -1000 and 1000 for the given dimension (x or y).

(defn v-dim-candidates [target simulate-f]
  (let [grouped (->> (range -1000 1000)
                     (map (fn [v] [v (simulate-f v target)]))
                     (filter (fn [[_ ts]] (some? ts)))
                     (mapcat (fn [[v ts]]
                               (map (fn [t] (vector t v))
                     (group-by first))]
    (update-vals grouped #(map second %))))

Now we identify velocities that get us where we need to be.

(defn v-candidates [target]
  (let [vy-cs (v-dim-candidates target simulate-y)
        vx-cs (-> (v-dim-candidates target simulate-x)
                  (select-keys (keys vy-cs)))]
    (mapcat (fn [[t vxs]]
              (combo/cartesian-product vxs (get vy-cs t)))

Part 1 asks us to select the velocity that peaks at the highest point.

(defn peak [[_ vy]]
  (or (->> (simulate-y-pos vy)
           (partition 2 1)
           (take-while #(apply < %))

(defn part-1 [target]
  (->> (map (juxt identity peak) (v-candidates target))
       (apply max-key second)

Part 2 asks us for the number of velocities that get us where we need to go.

(defn part-2 [target]
  (count (distinct (v-candidates target))))

  (part-1 target) := 13203
  (time (part-2 target)) := 5644)  ; => 230.899625 ms

Hoping to come back and optimize and clean this one up.
