I wasn’t able to start today’s puzzle until later in the day, so I was thankful that it was a familiar one.

(ns aoc.2021.day.11
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf]))


The task revolves around another grid-based simulation. We have a grid of energies (integers) that are incremented at each tick of the clock; when an energy level exceeds 9, a “flash” occurs and the cell’s energy is reset to 0 while bumping each of its neighboring energies up by 1; because of these chain reactions, a seemingly low-energy step can result in a large number of flashes.

(def input "2478668324\n4283474125\n1663463374\n1738271323\n4285744861\n3551311515\n8574335438\n7843525826\n1366237577\n3554687226\n")

(def t-input "5483143223\n2745854711\n5264556173\n6141336146\n6357385478\n4167524645\n2176841721\n6882881134\n4846848554\n5283751526")

We start with some very familiar grid functions. (Next year, if not this year, I’ll invest in writing some AoC library code.)

(defn parse-grid [input]
  (->> (str/split-lines input)
       (mapv #(mapv (comp parse-long str) %))))

(def grid (parse-grid input))
(def t-grid (parse-grid t-input))

(defn rows [grid] (count grid))
(defn cols [grid] (count (first grid)))

(defn coords [grid]
  (for [r (range (rows grid))
        c (range (cols grid))]
    [r c]))

(defn neighbor-coords
   (let [ds (range -1 2)]
     (for [rd ds
           cd ds
           :when (not= 0 rd cd)]
       (mapv + coord [rd cd]))))
  ([grid coord]
   (filter (fn [[r c]]
             (and (<= 0 r (dec (rows grid)))
                  (<= 0 c (dec (cols grid)))))
           (neighbor-coords coord))))

On to the more problem-specific code. First some helpers:

(def charge-threshold 9)
(defn charged? [energy] (> energy charge-threshold))
(defn newly-charged? [energy] (= energy (inc charge-threshold)))

Now we encode the first step of the simulation, which is to increment all cells in our grid. As an optimization, we use this pass over the grid to also track those cells that get bumped past the charge threshold.

(defn inc-energy-levels [grid]
  (reduce (fn [[grid charged] coord]
            (let [e (inc (get-in grid coord))
                  grid (assoc-in grid coord e)
                  charged (if (charged? e)
                            (conj charged coord)
              [grid charged]))
          [grid #{}]
          (coords grid)))

With the initial step out of the way, we write a function that “flashes” a single cell, returning both the updated grid and those neighboring cells that are pushed past the charge threshold. (Today’s sinister bug was that I initially returned the set of all neighbors that were charged, either newly or since before the flash, and so I ended up double-flashing them.

(defn flash-coord [grid coord]
  (let [neighbors (neighbor-coords grid coord)
        grid (assoc-in grid coord 0)
        grid (reduce (fn [grid coord]
                       (update-in grid coord #(if (zero? %) % (inc %))))
        newly-charged-neighbors (filter #(newly-charged? (get-in grid %))
    [grid newly-charged-neighbors]))

Finally, we have a recursive function that flashes cells in “rounds” – first we flash those cells that were triggered by the initial universal incrementing, and then we flash those cells that were triggered by the first flash, etc., until all cells are at calm, stable energy levels. As we progress, we track the set of cells that were flashed.

(defn flash [grid charged]
  (loop [grid grid
         charged charged
         flashed #{}]
    (let [[grid charged flashed]
          (reduce (fn [[grid charged flashed] coord]
                   (let [[grid newly-charged] (flash-coord grid coord)
                         flashed (conj flashed coord)
                         charged (into charged newly-charged)]
                     [grid charged flashed]))
                 [grid #{} flashed]

      (if (empty? charged)
        [grid flashed]
        (recur grid charged flashed)))))

All that’s left is to simulate.

(defn step [grid]
  (let [[grid charged] (inc-energy-levels grid)
        [grid flashed] (flash grid charged)]
    [grid flashed]))

(defn simulate [grid]
  (iterate (fn [[grid num-flashed]]
             (let [[grid flashed] (step grid)
                   num-flashed (+ num-flashed (count flashed))]
               [grid num-flashed]))
           [grid 0]))

(defn part-1 [grid]
  (let [[_ num-flashed] (nth (simulate grid) 100)]

      [[1 1 1 1 1]
       [1 9 9 9 1]
       [1 9 1 9 1]
       [1 9 9 9 1]
       [1 1 1 1 1]]))
  := [[3 4 5 4 3]
      [4 0 0 0 4]
      [5 0 0 0 5]
      [4 0 0 0 4]
      [3 4 5 4 3]]
  (part-1 t-grid) := 1656
  (part-1 grid) := 1700)

Part 2 asks us to simulate until all cells flash in unison, i.e., until a round begins with all cells at 0 energy. Luckily, this doesn’t take a preventatively long time – only a few hundred steps.

(defn part-2 [grid]
  (->> (simulate grid)
       (map vector (range))
       (some (fn [[i [grid _]]]
               (when (every? zero? (flatten grid))

  (part-2 t-grid) := 195
  (time (part-2 grid)) := 273)  ; => 33.669917 ms
